If you need more information about this permit, please visit: Family Reunification
The purpose of the regulations to enable non-EU nationals join their family members in EU territory and residing there lawfully. The objective is to protect the family unit and to facilitate the integration of nationals of non-member countries.
Who is entitled to family reunification?
A family member of a third-country national (sponsor) who is in possession of:
a long-term visa, a residence permit, immigration permit, permanent residence permit, interim permanent residence permit, a national or EC permanent residence permit, a residence card or permanent residence card, or persons with refugee status.
Who is a family member in this regard?
spouse minor children of the couple (including adopted children) dependent minor child under his/her parental responsibility (including adopted children) dependent minor child of his/her spouse over whom the spouse exercises parental responsibility dependent parents siblings if they are unable to provide for themselves due to health reasons parents of unaccompanied minors with refugee status, or their legally appointed guardian
The current Hungarian regulations nor accept the registered partnership nor polygamy as family status, therefore the spouse of a sponsor may not be issued a long-term residence permit if another spouse of the sponsor has a long-term visa or residence permit that was issued on the grounds of family reunification.
The children of third-country nationals with a long-term visa, national visa or a residence permit born in the territory of Hungary shall be issued a residence permit on the grounds of family reunification.
The spouse of a person with refugee status may be issued a long-term visa or a residence permit for the purpose of family reunification if their marriage was contracted before the entry of the person with refugee status into the territory of the of Hungary.
What type of permission may be issued?
A long-term visa or a residence permit may be issued on the grounds of family reunification to a third-country national.
In general, the validity period for a residence permit shall be 3 years, however it can be 4 or 5 years as well but the issued permission by no means exceed the validity period of the sponsor's permit.
The administrative deadline for a residence permit for the purpose of family reunification of is 21 days from the date of submission.
How can the application be submitted?
The place where the application can be submitted is determined by several factors, mainly it is the family member’s nationality. In this regard, please feel free to contact us so that we can provide appropriate information.
What documents needed for the application?
A valid passport, an ID picture which is not older than 3 month and you must submit the following enclosures.
The sponsor and their family member must prove that they have:
accommodation in Hungary (e.g.: lease agreement) sufficient means of subsistence (bank account balance) financial resources to cover their accommodation costs and for the return to their origin country (declaration of voluntary departure) full healthcare insurance or sufficient financial resources for healthcare services (we can help you obtaining it)
The family relationship also has to be proven by one of the following:
birth certificate marriage certificate with a document of adoption DNS test
What kind of rights accrue with the permission?
A third-country national holding a valid residence permit has the right of entry without a visa and the right of residence in the territory of Schengen Member States not exceeding ninety days within a one-hundred-and-eighty-day period.
Furthermore, the third-country national has the right for the pursuit of a professional activity and to undertake employment.
What kind of obligations accrue with the permission?
Third-country nationals shall keep the duplicate copy of the accommodation registration form in proof of compliance with the registration requirement.
They shall report the birth of a child in the territory of Hungary.
What if the family member would like to be employed?
If the third-country national plans to enter into an employment relationship, this should be reported to the immigration office, because in this case a single permission must be issued. The single permit is a residence permit allowing a third-country national to enter into a contract for employment relationship with an employer and to reside legally in the territory of Hungary for the purpose of work.
If you are a family member of a third-country national and also would like to submit a residence permit for the purpose of employment it must happen in a single application procedure. In this special case do not hesitate to contact us and we gladly help you with this complicated application to submit.
How much the fees and costs for the permission?
Submit in embassy: 60 EURSubmit in Hungarian immigration office: around 50 EUR
Expected translation cost: around 80 EUR
Our office full management service fee obtaining you a residence permit for the purpose of family reunification: EUR 350.
What happens if the Immigration Office rejects the application?
The decision for rejection may appeal 8 days from receipt. In this case do not hesitate to contact us immediately so we can help you procure an approval decision.