Quarantine obligation
Before the new regulation the police department used to give an order of the home quarantine or designated quarantine. From now on when you enter the Hungarian border the authority gives information about the automatic quarantine you must undergo for 10 days. It is your choice where do you spend this time, but you are obligated to tell the authorities the exact address. Because you have to provide some of your personal information as well, the police give an opportunity to notify them in their website 24 hours before the entrance. If you need help to provide data because you want to avoid lengthy administration on the border, please do not hesitate to contact us. After crossing the border, you must go right away to your “quarantine house”. If you own any smart devices, you have to download the official Home Quarantine application to your phone. It keeps sending location data to the authorities and sends notification to take a selfie in 15 minutes. We strongly recommend using this opportunity because the police entitled to visit in person if there is no data coming from the software. You can download the Home Quarantine application from here: https://hazikaranten.hu/ The new rules also increased the fees for the fines, the highest amount the police can impose: 600.000 Ft a day. In case you violate the quarantine obligation the police can fine you from 5.000 Ft to 150.000 Ft. The authorities can show up several times a day and give penalty repeatedly. The legal exception to leave quarantine is a pre-arreanged appointment for medical examination which diagnose whether you have coronavirus or not. There is a notification obligation towards the police department 24 hours before you leave the quarantine house. If the examination’s result releases you from the quarantine you have to notify the police in their website and wait for their response.
Mask regulation
From the 2nd of November you have to wear masks in the restaurants and in the nightclubs as well. You can only take it off while you are eating or drinking. Those who do not wear a mask must be taken out of the place by the host. If the guests violate the regulation the police entitled to fine the restaurant’s/nightclub’s operator from 100.000 Ft to 1.000.000 Ft. At their discretion the police can even close the place from 1 day to 1 year.